Title: Reflections on Japanese University Students Participating in an International Summer Workshop in 2022

Pages: 40-53

Author(s): Andrew Clark Johnson and Namgyu Kang 

This article is open access and licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.


One of the most transformative intercultural experiences a student can have is to spend time abroad. During 2020 - 2021, most travel abroad educational programs were put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic but in 2022 some started to cautiously resume. This paper provides a report of an experience in which students and instructors traveled from Japan to Thailand in August 2022 for the International Summer Design Workshop (ISDW) as countries were beginning to open up. After a brief introduction to this workshop, the process of gaining approval from the universities involved, precautions taken while abroad, and the opinions of students and instructors regarding the experience will be discussed. While global travel restrictions resulting from COVID-19 are no longer in place, it is hoped that sharing travel experiences will help instructors make informed decisions regarding travel abroad activities in case another pandemic occurs. 

海外へ渡航し,過ごすことは学生にとって最も変容的な異文化体験の一つである.しかし,COVID-19 のパンデミックにより、2020 年~2021 年の間はほとんどの海外への渡航体験が保留されていたものの,2022年に入り、海外渡航体験の一部が慎重に再開し始めた.本論文では,各国が新たかに開国し始めた 2022 年 8 月に,日本からの学生と教員がInternational Summer Design Workshop(ISDW)のためにタイに渡航した経験を題材にしている.その ISDW に関する紹介と共に、関係した大学から承認を得るまでのプロセス、海外滞在中の注意事項、そして体験に対する学生や指導者の意見などを述べる.今は,COVID-19 に起因する世界的な渡航制限はもはや実施されていないが,本論文で渡航経験を共有することによって,再びパンデミックが発生した場合に備え,関係者が海外渡航活動について十分な情報を得た上で積極的な決断への助けになることを期待される。

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Please cite this article as follows:

Johnson, A. C. & Kang, N. (2023). Reflections on Japanese University Students Participating in an International Summer Workshop in 2022. In: J. Salazar & G. Benthien (Eds.), ICLE SIG 2nd Conference Peer-Reviewed Proceedings. (pp. 40-53) Retrieved from: https://icle.jalt.org/mod/page/view.php?id=119

Last modified: Tuesday, 31 December 2024, 7:49 PM