• Intercultural Communication in Language Education (ICLE):

    The JALT Special Interest Group

    Who are we? We...
    • are an international community of educators in Japan; 
    • teach students of various ages; 
    • teach various languages;
    • recognize the importance of culture in language education; 
    • support each other;
    • welcome new members.  

    • Thank you for a successful 2024 Conference! Looking forward to seeing you all at PanSIG 2025!

    • 💥Our 2024 Conference

      Our 4th conference was held September 28, 2024  Read More

      Member's Forum

      Communicate with other members in our community  Go


      Read about what our members are doing   Read More


      What we are doing and what we have done. Read More

      Activities Initiative

      Share intercultural teaching activities.  Read More


      Visit the JALT National website.


      A growing collection to inform and inspire you Read More

      Our officers

      Find out who we are. 

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    • JALT ICLE Instagram

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    • What are we about?

      With globalization on the rise and intercultural contact becoming more common than ever before, a radical change in our mindsets, educators and students alike, is required in order to embrace the transformations a multicultural society brings with it.

      This SIG aims to explore various ways language teachers could help shape their students’ intercultural minds, raise their students’ cultural self-awareness, and educate for intercultural understanding.

      It promotes discussion about various approaches to teaching intercultural communication in a language classroom, allowing educators to become better informed about language intercultural education theory.

      We also promote the development of resources appropriate to a foreign language teaching environment while considering the practical challenges of taking culture into account in the language classroom.

    • Intercultural Communication in Language Education SIG Constitution

      JALT Intercultural Communication in Language Education SIG is a special interest group of the nationwide “NPO The Japan Association for Language Teaching,” hereafter referred to as JALT. In the conduct of its activities, JALT Intercultural Communication in Language Education SIG shall comply with the policies and directives of the JALT National Executive Board and act in accordance with the provisions of the National Constitution and Bylaws.

      全国語学教育学会 Intercultural Communication in Language Education SIG 定款

      JALT Intercultural Communication in Language Education SIG は、全国規模の「特定非営利活動法人全国 語学教育学会」(以下 JALT と略称)の1研究部会である。JALT Intercultural Communication in Language Education SIG は、その活動の実施に当たって、JALT 全国執行 役員会の方針と指示を守り、全国語学教育学会定款及び細則の規定 に従って行動しなければならない。