Title: Teaching Japanese University Students How to Identify Bias in the Media
Pages: 33-55
Author(s): Sakuda, S.
This article is open access and licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.
University is a period when students are becoming more independent, forming individual opinions, and starting to participate in society, making it an ideal time to teach news media literacy. With the plethora of news outlets available and the increase in fake news, this skill has become essential to navigate the news landscape responsibly. Although students may be adept at finding information on the internet, they are vulnerable users who may lack the ability to spot skewed, unbalanced, or even fake news. Thus, teaching young adults how to identify bias in the news is crucial in helping them to cultivate informed and balanced opinions. This paper explains why news media literacy is especially important for Japanese university students, then introduces a classroom activity to help students identify and understand bias in the news. The author also includes ideas for possible culminating projects and several extensions or applications for the types of bias covered.
Please cite this article as follows:
Sakuda, S. (2024). Teaching Japanese University Students How to Identify Bias in the Media. In: J. Salazar & G. Benthien (Eds.), In- tercultural Communication & Global Issues in Language Education 2023 Conference Peer-Reviewed Proceedings. Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT). pp. 33-55. Retrieved from: https://icle.jalt.org/mod/page/view.php?id=140